How to Stop Self-Sabotage and Build a Positive Money Mindset Instead

Hey, this is your future success here.

I know that sounds a bit weird, but I just got sent some really unique info from a guy named Ian Stanley that I wanted to share with you…I think it’ll help you and I meet sooner than you think…

…here it is…

There’s ultimately two things that dictate your level of success.

When I say “success” it doesn’t have to be monetary or career related. YOUR definition of success is all that matters.

The first thing is delayed gratification.

How long are you willing to wait to get what you want? Are you willing to be bad until you’re good? Are you willing to be good until you become a master? Are you ok with failure?

The second is your ability to intervene with yourself before you self-sabotage.

This issue is a lot more complex. The depth at which this can affect you is far beyond what you can even imagine.

Self-sabotage can be blatant…like it was in my past.

It’s partying hard the night before a big tennis match. It’s missing a deadline because you’re afraid of success. Or worst of all…it’s cheating on someone you love because you’re afraid of finally having everything you want.

When you’re “less aware” the self-sabotage is easier to see from the outside.

As you raise your awareness the self-sabotage becomes insidious. It’s clever. It’s cunning.

It’s starting an argument with your girlfriend because you just had the most profitable month of your life. It’s deciding to try a new type of pizza the night before you have to film important videos…even though you have extreme food allergies and know it’ll probably make you feel like shit the next day. (This is how advanced my ego has gotten. It seeks out foods that disrupt my Crohn’s disease when things are going “too well.”)

See, we have a threshold on how good we think we’re allowed to feel.

As we reach that threshold (sometimes referred to as an upper limit) we find ways to bring ourselves back down to baseline. Even though we want to feel good all the time.

Ultimately it comes down to one thing…

We don’t get what we deserve in life. We get what we believe we deserve.

Right now there is a gap between where you are…and where you want to be.

The first step to getting where you want to be is to figure out what your Ideal Day looks like. Once you have that vision you can create a life that makes your Ideal Day your everyday reality.

These are exercises I’ve used in my own life to live my Ideal Day most days of the week. These exercises help you to get CLEAR on what you want…and how to make it a reality in your life. So you can stop self-sabotaging and start focusing on success.

Want to Live The Financially-FREE Life of Your Dreams? Get my Ideal Day Training (for free).

Put In Your Email Address Below…

I’d recommend you grab a notepad and watch it now…

Talk soon,
Ian “do the work” Stanley

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I’m Ian Stanley

I wanna show you how to Make Six Figures as an Email Copywriter.

Did you know you can paid to write if you can write at a 3rd grade level?

You just have to learn how to write in a specific way that feels like you’re having a conversation.

In my masterclass I’ll show you how to make a living as an email copywriter working just a few hours per day. 

Free Masterclass

How to Make $5,000 to $10,000 a Month or More as an Email Copywriter.

(with no experience)

The simplest way to create Almost Passive Income is to write emails for businesses or influencers.

You can create a full-time income working just an hour or two per day…as crazy as that may sound. 

We will never spam you or share your email with anyone. That would make us assholes.

Free Masterclass

How to Make $5,000 to $10,000 a Month or More as an Email Copywriter.

(with no experience)


I’m Ian Stanley

I wanna show you how to Make Six Figures as an Email Copywriter.

Did you know you can paid to write if you can write at a 3rd grade level?

You just have to learn how to write in a specific way that feels like you’re having a conversation.

In my masterclass I’ll show you how to make a living as an email copywriter working just a few hours per day.

The simplest way to create Almost Passive Income is to write emails for businesses or influencers.

You can create a full-time income working just an hour or two per day…as crazy as that may sound.

We will never spam you or share your email with anyone. That would make us assholes.